Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Camiguin Island


Camiguin Island
Camiguin Island travel guide


A Day of Adventure and Discovery


On this first day of our Camiguin Island adventure, I am accompanied by my dear friend Maria. We kicked off our day by waking up at 4:00 a.m., eager to explore the wonders this island has to offer.

As we embarked on our journey, the island's unique charm unfolded before us. In this article, we'll take you through the highlights of our day, showcasing the breathtaking spots that make Camiguin a must-visit destination.

White Beach: A Tranquil Oasis


Our first stop was the pristine White Beach, where the golden sun kissed the white sand. The calm morning waves and the absence of the scorching sun made it the perfect time to enjoy the beach without the crowds. As we lounged and took in the spectacular view of Camiguin Island, it felt like a slice of paradise.


Discovering White Beach in Camiguin
White Beach


White Beach offers a serene atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for relaxation. Consider bringing a picnic or an umbrella for an extended stay.

Sunken Cemetery A Glimpse into History


The Sunken Cemetery, Camiguin's iconic landmark, was our second stop. The remnants of a church destroyed in the 1871 volcanic eruption added a touch of history to our adventure. The sunken cemetery, featured in countless postcards, presented a surreal underwater world.

Snorkeling Surprise

For an unexpected twist, we decided to go snorkeling. The tourism office provided rental gear, allowing us to explore the vibrant marine life surrounding the Sunken Cemetery.

Old Church Ruins Immersed in Nature and History


Our journey continued to the Old Church Ruins, built in 1623 and destroyed during the 1871 eruption. The ambiance of this historic site, surrounded by lush greenery, offered a peaceful retreat. The modest entrance fee of 50 pesos per person made it an accessible and enriching experience.


The Old Church Ruins provide a serene setting, allowing visitors to connect with nature while delving into the island's history.

Beehive Cafe: A Quaint Coffee Haven


Taking a break at the Beehive Cafe, we enjoyed a variety of coffee options. The cafe's unique design, offering both indoor and outdoor seating, made it a charming pitstop. Meg and I indulged in different coffee blends, savoring the distinct flavors that set Camiguin apart.


Beehive Cafe is a must-visit for coffee enthusiasts seeking quality brews amidst the provincial charm.

Katibawasan Falls Nature's Symphony


Our adventure concluded at Katibawasan Falls, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of cascading water. Accessible without a strenuous hike, the falls provided a refreshing escape. The entrance fee of 75 pesos per person was a reasonable price for the natural beauty that awaited us.

Pro Tip

Plan your visit on weekdays to avoid the weekend crowds. Consider renting a cottage to enjoy a leisurely lunch with friends and family.

Soda Water Pool Refreshing Oasis


Our last destination was the Soda Water Pool, where drizzling rain added to the enchantment. The sparkling water tempted us, but we refrained from drinking directly due to the crowd. The pool, surrounded by verdant scenery, was a serene spot despite the weekend rush.


Weekends can get crowded, so plan your visit accordingly. Enjoy the pool's beauty and ambiance, but consider visiting during quieter times.

Hidden gems of Camiguin Island
Adventure in Camiguin


Camiguin Island proved to be a treasure trove of natural wonders and historical gems. From the tranquil White Beach to the captivating Sunken Cemetery, the island offers a diverse range of experiences for adventure seekers and history enthusiasts alike. Our tailored tour allowed us to create lasting memories, and we highly recommend exploring this hidden gem in the Philippines.


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Join us on our next adventure as we continue to uncover the beauty of the world, one destination at a time.

