Embracing the Start of Summer, A Fun-Filled Tradition


summer Beach


The anticipation is over, and the carefree days of summer have finally arrived! It's that exciting time when the halls of academia fade into the background, making way for adventure, relaxation, and a whole lot of fun. As we bid adieu to junior year, the summer of our senior journey beckons us forward. But let's take a pause from that for now and dive into the thrilling moments of these first few days of our well-deserved break. 


Welcome to my blog as we embark on this exciting journey together


Just like last year, I'm thrilled to document and share my summer escapades with all of you. So, grab your virtual sunscreen, because we're about to bask in the sun-soaked days ahead! As the calendar flips to June 15th, the first day of summer officially dawns upon us. And what better way to celebrate than by continuing a cherished tradition? It's practically a rite of passage to head to the beach on this special day, a tradition that the entire school joins in on. The sun may not be at its peak just yet, but that doesn't dampen our spirits. Putting on my trusty black Bo swimsuit, I can't help but marvel at the cool, crisp air. 


With temperatures hovering around the 60s, it's a refreshing departure from the scorching heat. While the sun promises to make its appearance later in the day, we're already revved up for a day of beachside revelry. The beach outing was a blast, as anticipated. The shoreline was dotted with familiar faces, a testament to the popularity of this annual tradition. After a fun-filled day in the sand and surf, I returned home, refreshed by the ocean breeze. A quick shower was all I needed to unwind before the evening's plans.


Speaking of the evening, I was gearing up for a kickback with my friends. The prospect of a casual get-together had me excited to spruce up my look. While I'm all about the natural vibes, a touch of makeup was in order for the occasion. As I applied a hint of color, I couldn't help but reflect on the liberating feeling of summer break. No more early alarms and demanding assignments; it's time to embrace the laid-back vibes. As the day wound down, I knew that this first taste of summer was just the beginning. With a sense of anticipation, I looked forward to days of sleeping in, basking in the sun, and creating unforgettable memories with friends. 


The temperature might not have fully embraced California summer, but the promise of warmth and adventure was palpable in the air. And so, with the sun setting on the horizon and the sky awash with hues of pink and orange, I headed out to the kickback. The theme? Bikers. It's a playful nod to summer fun and a reminder that this season is all about embracing spontaneity and joy. Although I wasn't planning to stay out too late, I was eager to immerse myself in the celebratory atmosphere.


The first day of summer arrives, marking the end of academic year and the beginning of our senior journey. The beach tradition is a rite of passage, with the sun hovering around the 60s. The day is filled with beachside revelry, a casual get-together, and a kickback with friends. The theme of the kickback is bikers, a playful nod to summer fun and a reminder of embracing spontaneity and joy. As summer unfolds, we'll share our experiences and memories with you.

